Asked by: Sunita Yagutkin
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

What does the brain's pons do?

Your brainstem has another structure, the pons. The pons structure is located in the upper portion of your brainstem. It controls breathing, communication between brain parts, and sensations like hearing, taste, balance, and hearing.

What happens if the brain's pons is damaged?

Our brain stem is made up of the pons and the medulla obslongata and midbrain. These control our most primitive functions, and are what keeps us alive. Damage to pons may cause: Facial sensation loss. Corneal reflex loss.

What is Pons 10's function? What is the function of Pons 10? It is responsible for important body functions such as breathing, eye movement, sleep, swallowing and hearing, bladder control, and swallowing.

Find out where the Pons are located and what their function is.

The pons, a part of the hindbrain connecting the cerebral cortex and the medulla obslongata, is the pons. It acts as a communication and coordination center between both hemispheres.

Is the pons region of the brain located?

The pons, a part of the brain stem located above and below the medulla Oblongata is the pons. It is only 2.5 cm long and serves many important functions.