Asked by: Galaye Forn
Asked in category: music and audio, society and culture podcasts
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

What does "status inconsistency" mean in relation to social stratification

What does "status inconsistency" mean in relation to social stratification? Individuals are ranked high in one dimension of the social class, and low in other dimensions. What is the likely behavior of individuals who experience inconsistency? They will claim a higher level of status.

Also, asked: What does "status inconsistency" mean?

Status Inconsistency refers to a situation in which an individual's social status has both positive and negative effects.

What are the variables Max Weber used to define social stratification in a society? Weber found Marx's approach to social classes too simplistic. Weber saw social stratification as an interplay between three dimensions: (a. Economic Inequality; (b. Status Measures of social prestige; and (c). Power.

It is also important to understand what status inconsistency is.

Example: Black professionals in white-dominated society have high occupational status, but low racial. This creates inconsistency and the potential for resentment. Many societies have similar effects on gender and ethnicity.

What is a quizlet that demonstrates inconsistency in status?

Common actions that are associated with a particular status. When two statuses conflict; for example, a student might experience status inconsistency if both her criminal and honor student statuses clash.