Asked by: Fatoumata Klemper
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry, books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

What does Puritanism mean in literature?

Puritanism refers to beliefs or behaviours that are based on strict moral and religious principles, including the principle that people should not indulge in physical pleasures. [disapproval] The tight-lipped puritanism from the Scottish literary World. Synonyms: strictness. Austerity. Severity. Zeal.

Similarly, what is Puritanism as a form of English literature?

Puritanism was a religious movement that believed in the purification of the church from all ties to Rome Catholicism. Its followers, known as Puritans, lived by a moral code and religious code that influenced their lives and sought to influence the lives of others.

What is the Puritans' writing style? Puritan Plain Style. Scholarly Definition: The Puritan Clear Style uses simple sentences and common words to make direct statements. This style was preferred by Puritans who wanted clarity and to express their religious beliefs.

What are the core beliefs of Puritan literature then?

Puritans believed hard work was important

  • Life is a test from God.
  • Failure can lead to damnation.
  • Success leads to heavenly happiness
  • Puritan Values: Self Reliance, Industry temperance, Simplicity

What are the three core Puritan beliefs that you believe?

Basic Tenets for Puritanism

  • Judgmental God (rewards/punishes bad)
  • Predestination/Election (salvation or damnation was predetermined by God)
  • Original Sin (humans are naturally sinful and tainted with the sins of Adam and Eve; hard work & self-discipline can make good).
  • Providence.
  • God's Grace.