Asked by: Rony Madina
Asked in category: personal finance, frugal living
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What does pitting corrosion mean?

Pitting corrosion (or pitting) is a type of very localized corrosion that causes small holes to form in the metal. With a very limited diffusion of ions, the corrosion penetrates the metal's mass.

What causes pitting corrosion?

Pitting corrosion can be used to create a perfect material. It is caused HTML2_ by chemical compounds such as chloride. The passive film (oxide), is especially affected by chloride so pitting may be initiated at oxide breaks.

The next question is how is pitting corrosion measured. The Extent of Pitting MetallographicaThe specimen can be cut vertically through a pit and then the cut surface is mounted and polished metallographically. A microscope equipped with a calibrated eyepiece is used to measure the depth of the pit.

How do you fix pitting corrosion?


  1. Wrap a piece of 80-grit sandpaper around an abrasive block.
  2. Use a rag to remove any sanding dust.
  3. Use a wire brush or a rag to scrub the metal.

What is pitting stainless-steel?

When the protective layer of stainless steel on an exposed surface is broken down, called Pitting Corrosion. The growth rate of the pit once it is initiated can be quite rapid, resulting in deep cavities or even through-wall attacks.