Asked by: Ina Tokmagambetov
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What does it mean to have your bones soft?

Osteomalacia means "soft bones." Osteomalacia is a condition which weakens bone and can lead to them breaking more easily. It is a disorder that results in bones falling apart faster than they can re-form. Rickets in children may be caused by low levels of vitamin D.

What does it mean to have soft bones?

Osteomalacia is a term that means soft bones. weakens bones and makes them more likely to break. Both and can cause bone to fracture. Osteomalacia refers to bones that aren't hardening. However, osteoporosis means the bones become weaker.

You might also wonder, "What are the signs and symptoms" of osteomalacia? Signs & symptoms

  • Distinctive joint and bone pain (especially in the spine, pelvis and legs)
  • Muscle weakness
  • Walking with difficulty, sometimes with a waddling gait.
  • Hypocalcemia (positive Chvostek Sign)
  • Stamina and compression of vertebrae
  • Flattening the pelvis.
  • Weak, soft bones.
  • Simple fracturing

This is why we ask, "Can soft bones be treated?"

Although osteomalacia can be treated in most cases, it may take several months to treat. If there isn’t an obvious cause, you will need to take vitamin D supplements for a prolonged period of time.

How long does it take for osteomalacia to be treated?

Osteomalacia, if left untreated can cause severe deformities and broken bones. You have many options to manage your condition. Increase your intake of vitamin D and calcium to help with the condition may result in improvements within a few weeks. The average time it takes to heal the bones completely is 6 months.