Asked by: Marlana Bodenhaupt
Asked in category: business and finance, executive leadership and management
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What does it mean to be a silent director?

According to her, the idea of a silent director is well-known. This is the concept of a silent director, who is only in the background and not directly involved in the business. They do not have any knowledge or participation in the day-today operations of the company.

What is the role and responsibilities of non-executive directors?

The non-executive director is typically not involved in the day to day management of the company but participates in planning and policymaking. Non-executive directors are responsible for the supervision of executive directors and acting in behalf of company stakeholders.

What is the pay for non-executive directors? Non-executive directors are not paid a fixed rate. The company size and time commitment required by the NED as well as their perceived value to business in terms both of skill and experience, will affect the amount of compensation. Additional fees may be charged for NED participation on boards.

Can you then be called a director if you are not on the board?

Directors who are not statutory director Sometimes department heads are called directors (e.g Director of Communications), even though they're not statutory directors. It is confusing that if they have not been appointed to a Board, they don't have the legal rights or duties of a Statutory Director.

Are all directors required to be listed on Companies House

Directors do not have to be registered at Companies House as directors. They include anyone who acts as a director, regardless of whether they are directors. These directors include directors who were appointed by the company, but not properly registered.