Asked by: Hmida Bachish
Asked in category: automotive, auto insurance
Last Updated: 25th Jun 2024

What does ISS on a driver's license mean?

We don't understand ISS. ISS stands for the issue date of your Driver's License. You will be unable to use the software if your ID doesn't have an ISS (Date Of Issue).

Keeping this in mind, what does ISS stand for on a license?

ISS indicates the issue date of your Driver's License. You will be unable to use the software if your ID doesn't have an ISS (Date Issued)

EXP also refers to drivers licenses. Expiration Date

What does ISS stand for on Illinois driver's license?

Central Issuance Driver’s License/State Identification Card.

What is an ISS Number?

The license's date of issue is indicated by the ISS number. California Department of Motor Vehicles.