Asked by: Helida Danilyuk
Asked in category: automotive, auto repair, automotive, auto repair
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What does flushing a transmission do?

A Transmission Flush is an oil change process in which all oil from a transmission has been removed. New oil (and sometimes cleaning products) are run through the transmission using a special machine to push away sludge and grime. Then, it is filled with new oil.

Are transmission flushes also really necessary?

A flush is not necessary for 46K miles under normal driving conditions. They make a lot of money selling flushes and that's why they are recommended. Most transmissions last 100,000 miles before they need to be maintained.

How long does it take for a transmission to be flushed? It takes between 3 and 4 hours.

Also, flushing a transmission can cause problems?

Let's face it, flushing the transmission fluid will not fix any existing transmission problems. If your transmission is making grinding or erratic shifts, it may be already damaged. Flushing the fluid will not prevent transmission failure.

What happens if you don't change your transmission fluid?

What happens if I don't change my transmission fluid when it is suggested? The transmission fluid can run low and cause your transmission not to shift properly or at all. It can also cause damage to the transmission's internal parts, which won't be properly lubricated.