Asked by: Susi Zolfl
Asked in category: home and garden, smart home, home and garden, smart home
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What do smart light switches do?

Smart switches can be connected to your home network and allow remote control via Wi-Fi. You can still toggle the in-wall switch to turn on or off the lights as you did before. This is a great feature if you have guests and/or if your phone doesn't work nearby.

Also, smart bulbs and switches work in a similar way.

Smart bulbs are not compatible with smart plugs. They must be connected to light fixtures at all times. You can't access a smart bulb if someone flips the switch.

Are smart switches also able to use electricity even when they are off? Smart plugs are responsible for their own energy consumption. Smart plugs do draw a small current in standby mode but that's only about 1 wattawhich means that the overall effect on energy consumption is negligible.

How do you connect a smart switch to a light bulb?

How do you install a smart switch

  1. Step 1: Find out about your current wiring and wall switch configurations.
  2. Step 2: Select a smart light switch.
  3. Step 3: Disconnect the old light switch.
  4. Step 4: Connect your smart switch to the light bulb.
  5. Step 5: Securely attach the smart light switch.
  6. Step 6: Connect your smart switch to Wi-Fi

Are smart bulbs compatible with regular switches?

Yes, you can control a smart light bulb remotely via a smartphone or wall switch. Smart light switches and smart bulbs can be used in different electrical circuits to maximize your smart home device resources.