Asked by: Weiyong Jaraba
Asked in category: science, biological sciences, science, biological sciences
Last Updated: 12th Sep 2024

What do living things need to grow?

Air: There are many gases that make up air, but the most important are oxygen and carbon dioxide. Animals will die without oxygen, and plants can't survive without carbon dioxide. Food (nutrients). All living things require energy to function. Energy is required to grow, reproduce and move as well as to work.

What are the 5 essential needs of all living things, given this?

Living things can be very different from one another. Some live in the ground while others are high up in the sky. Because we are all living organisms, we have five basic needs for survival: sunlight and water, oxygen, habitat and food. These basic needs are essential for cells to function properly in a variety of ways.

What do living things require to grow? All living things require food, water, and air to survive. Animals get their food from plants and animals, which provides them the energy they require to move and grow. Habitat is the place where an animal lives. It must provide shelter from predators and bad weather.

Therefore, why should living things need to be able to grow?

To grow, most living things require oxygen, water, and food. Other living things eat plants and other animals for food. The living cells divide, allowing living to become larger and to change as they become . The cells divide to create new cells that are different than the original cells.

What are the 4 essential things that all living things require?

Animals need water, food, shelter, and protection from predators. Plants need light, water and nutrients to survive. Each organism has its own method of meeting its basic needs.