Asked by: Rahima Torres
Asked in category: business and finance, aviation industry
Last Updated: 15th May 2024

What distance can a c130 fly before it needs to refuel?

A C-130H carrying minimal cargo and maximum fuel (four wings tanks, two auxiliary tank in the wing roots, and two external tanks). can extend range to more than 4,500 miles

How far can a C130 fly?

64 paratroops, 92 troops and 74 litter-patients can be accommodated. 2,356 miles (2.049 nautical mile) with maximum payload; 2,174 miles (2.174 nautical mile) with 25,000 pound (11,250 kg) cargo; 5,200 (4,522 nautical mi) without cargo.

How many tanks can fit into a c130? It can transport two M1A2 Abrams main combat tanks, 7-10 8x8 armored vehicle (Stryker and LAV-25), and 16 HMMWVs. The US Air Mobility Command, Air Force Reserve Command and Air National Guard operate these transport aircraft.

You may also wonder, "Can a c130 transport a tank?"

The C-130 Hercules can transport up to 42,000 lbs of cargo. The C-130 Hercules can transport 10 items: Tanks.

Can a c130 fly with one engine?

The C-130 was the most powerful aircraft in the military's inventory. It had four 3,750-hp engines, which will soon be increased to 4,050 each. It could fly literally on one engine.