Asked by: Nahum Subba
Asked in category: education, homeschooling
Last Updated: 14th Sep 2024

What day was Bush's presidency? 9-11

Title, position or office: President, United States

What was Bush's approval score after September 11?

Bush's presidency began with approval ratings of 60%. In the midst of the national crisis after September 11, 2001, polls showed that approval ratings were higher than 85%. They topped out at 92% and then remained steady at 80a90% for four months.

What year was George W Bush's highest approval rating? Historical comparison

Place an order President Highest approval
43 G. W. Bush 90 (2001-9-21)
42 Clinton 73 (1998-12-19)
41 G. H. W. Bush 89 (1991-02-28)
40 Reagan 71 (1986-01-30)

It is also interesting to find out which school Bush attended on September 11, 2001.

Booker Elementary School

What caused Bush's approval rating to soar?

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush saw an unprecedented rise in his approval rating. Bush received a Gallup Poll Rating 51% on September 10. His approval rating had risen to 85% by September 15.