Asked by: Gwenaelle Muhleck
Asked in category: television, holiday tv
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What date was Juneteenth declared a state holiday for the first time?


In what year was Juneteenth declared Texas' state holiday?


The question that follows is: Does California recognize Juneteenth in California? This bill would make June 19, 2017, Juneteenth, and encourage Californians to celebrate Juneteenth to reflect on the important role African Americans played in America's history and enrich society with their unwavering dedication.

You may then wonder, "Where is Juneteenth a state vacation?"


What colors are Juneteenth's?

To symbolize the fact that slaves and their descendants were Americans, the colors red, white and blue echo the American flag. Texas is represented by the star in the middle, and the "horizon" red and blue fields are bursting with "new stars" that represent a new freedom for a new people.