Asked by: Ruiman Arnd
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What causes magnolia trees to lose their leaves?

Leaf Drop in General
Too much water or nitrogen deficiency can also cause tree leaf and needles to fall.

People often ask why my magnolia trees lose so many leaves.

A: Trees and shrubs take a lot of energy to flower, which can often cause the plant to lose some of its leaves. Magnolias are well-known for their leaf drop right before flowering. This is particularly noticeable in evergreen trees, which produce large leaves. It can cause a lot of leaf drop and make it difficult to see the entire tree at once.

You may also be interested in how to revive a dying magnolia plant. Tree branches and even the whole tree may eventually die. You can see canker signs on magnolias by trimming the affected branch using disinfected pruning tools. It is not worth trying to save a tree once canker has infected the trunk. Do not plant magnolias on the same spot again.

How do you tell when a magnolia is dying?

Take your finger and rub the branches with your finger to check if the tree is still living. If the tissue beneath is green or has a green tint to it, then the tree may still be alive. To reach the green tissue, you will need to trim off any dead. Make sure to not plant the magnolia trees too deep.

What is wrong with my magnolia trees?

Cultural Problems Frost, excessive heat, and harsh winds can cause magnolia leaves to become discolored and wilted. The leaves may turn black or die, and then fall from the branches. This is known as leaf scorch or leaf burn. The tissue that has been damaged cannot be repaired.