Asked by: Stacey Eichbaum
Asked in category: medical health, vaccines
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

What can be done to kill these little guys?

Thistle can be killed with herbicides, particularly in spring and autumn. For your garden, use glyphosate and for your lawn, a broad-leaf herbicide that contains 2,4-D or MCPPP. Glyphosate is a poison that kills all plants so you need to be specific when applying it.

You may also wonder, "How do you naturally kill thesetles?"

To be effective in killing weeds, the vinegar must contain at least 20% acetic acid. This vinegar can be mixed with 3 tablespoons of table Salt to make a homemade thistle insecticide. This mixture can be used to control the problem by spraying the plants with it once per week.

How can I permanently eliminate thistles? Thistle can be killed with herbicides, particularly in spring and autumn, to prevent it from flowering and seeding. For your garden, use glyphosate and for your lawn, a broad-leaf herbicide that contains 2,4-D or MCPPP. Glyphosate is a poison that kills all plants so you need to be specific when applying it.

Roundup also kills thistles

Roundup is a herbicide that can be used at home to control thistles. It contains glyphosate. Roundup is a good herbicide because it penetrates the stems of herbaceous plants and moves to the roots. Roundup herbicide should be applied in spring, after active growth has begun but before the flowers die.

How can I get rid dandelions and thistles?

Spot spraying weeds with an organic herbicide like vinegar can be done in the fall. Spray them once they are established. Wait a week and if they come back, spray again one week later. You'll quickly exhaust the root reserves if you do this for 2 to 3 weeks. Combining the weed hound with spraying is a good combination.