Asked by: Cheikh Bezrukih
Asked in category: events and attractions, musicals
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What are the three dads in Mamma Mia called?

Pierce Brosnan plays Sam Carmichael (possible father) and is an architect. Colin Firth is Sophie's father, a British banker. Stellan SkarsgAY=rd is Bill Anderson, Sophie’s possible father. He is a Swedish sailor, travel writer, and sailor.

Just so: Who is Mamma Mia's biological father?

Fans have their suspicions, even though the film doesn't reveal Sophie's father. Atom Tickets conducted a survey of customers to find out their thoughts on the mystery. The results were mixed. 40% believe Sophie's father is Sam. 16% think it's Bill. And 14% think it's Harry.

Similar question: Who is Sophie's father in Mamma Mia 2! Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018) Sophie is 25 at the beginning of the movie. She is busy writing invitations to the grand reopening of "Hotel Bella Donna", which was named in her honour after her mother, Donna. She writes to Harry and Bill, her potential fathers.

Is Fernando Donna also Fernando's father?

It is implied in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" reveals that Fernando Cienfuegos is Ruby Sheridan's ex-lover and Donna's dad. Meryl Streep, despite previously stating she does not appear in sequels to her films, wanted to make an appearance on Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, despite this, as she loved Donna in the original film.

Who is the father in Mamma Mia's story?

Sam Carmichael (Pierce Brosnan). Sophie becomes Sam's stepdad when he marries Donna. But does that mean that he is her real dad? The movie shows them having the most in common. Sam has more control over Sophie's actions, ie not to get married. However, this doesn’t make him the biological dad.