Asked by: Lashandra Simmes
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What are the three categories of high explosives?

High explosives can be divided into three main categories: Primary (or Initiating), High Explosives and Secondary High Explosives. Boosters, Secondary High Explosives and Main Charge are the Boosters. There are other terms for combustion explosions that can be used in conjunction with the explosion term, such as "Deflagration Explosion".

What are the different types of explosives?

An explosive substance is any substance or device capable of producing a large volume of rapidly expanding gases in a very short time. There are three basic types. They are mechanical, nuclear and chemical. A mechanical explosive relies on a physical reaction such as filling a container with compressed gas.

What are primary high explosives? Primary high explosives are very sensitive to heat, friction, and mechanical shock. They will react by either burning quickly or detonating. Secondary high explosives (also called base explosives) are less sensitive to heat, friction and shock.

What are the two types of high explosives?

There are two types: (1) Detonating, which is high explosives, and (2) Deflagrating (low explosives).

What are some examples of low explosives

Low explosives are mixtures that combine chemicals that burn quickly but subsonically, meaning they adeflagrate. One example of a low explosive is the black powder that is used in fireworks.