Asked by: Kholoud Pruhn
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What are the parts of Azure Data lake?

It can be broken down into three parts: Azure Data Lake Storage. Azure Data Lake Analytics. Azure HDInsight.

What is Azure Data Lake?

Microsoft Azure Data Lake, a highly-scalable cloud service, allows scientists, engineers, business professionals, and other Microsoft customers to access large, complex data sets. The service is comprised of two parts, data storage and analytics.

Is Azure Data Lake Hadoop also available? Azure Data Lake was designed to integrate with the Hadoop ecosystem. It uses HDFS and YARN for key touch points. The Azure Data Lake store is optimized for Azure but can be used with any analytic tool that has access to HDFS. Azure Data Lake uses Apache YARN to manage resources, allowing YARN-based analytical engines to run side by side.

What are the key capabilities for Microsoft Azure Data Lake Analytics?

Azure data lake analytics also includes U-SQL. This query language extends the declarative and simple nature of SQL by combining C#'s expressive power with C#. U-SQL is also built on the same distributed runtime that powers the abigdataa systems at Microsoft.

What are Databricks?

Databricks cloud aids analysts by organizing data into "notebooks" that can be used to create dashboards. It makes it easy to analyze data with machine learning (MLib, GraphX, and Spark SQL).