Asked by: Dionila Terfort
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

What are the Lithophile elements?

Lithophile refers to elements preferentially divided into silicate minerals, rather than sulfides or metals. The Elements Classification of the Goldschmidt Classification. Goldschmidt (1929, 1937) used a variety of chemical consider-

What is a Lithophile, anyway?

Lithophile. Lithophiles can be found in the pores of sedimentary rocks and fractured igneous rock to a depth of several kilometers.

Also, learn about compatible and incompatible elements. The mantle is implied when an element is called acompatiblea without noting what rock it is compatible with. incompatible elements refer to those elements that are depleted in mantle and enriched in continental crust. Rubidium, barium and uranium are some examples.

What are high-field strength elements?

This term refers to elements with ions that have a low radius and high charge. They are therefore considered high-field strong. Highfield-strength element (HFSE), also includes trivalent and tetravalent Ions, as well as the rare earth elements, platinum group elements and uranium.

What is geochemical affinity?

geochemical affinity An affinity of one element to a specific environment. A Dictionary of Earth Sciences. A " geochemical affinity. "