Asked by: Creacion Gerathwohl
Asked in category: science, geology, science, geology
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What are the kinds of seismic waves?

There are two main types: body waves and surface waves. While body waves travel through the earth’s inner layers, surface waves only travel along the planet's surface like ripples on water. Seismic energy is emitted by earthquakes as both body waves and surface waves.

What are the different types of seismic waves, then?

There are three types of seismic waves: P-waves (or surface waves), S-waves (or surface waves). Sometimes, P-waves or S-waves are collectively called "body waves".

The next question is: What are the three types of seismic waves? There are three types of seismic waves that can be produced by earthquakes: primary waves (secondary waves), and surface waves (surface waves). Each type moves differently through different materials. Waves can also reflect off or bounce off the boundaries between layers.

What are the 4 types?

Specifications of all types of seismic waves.

  • P- Waves (Primary waves).
  • S- waves (Secondary waves).
  • L- Waves (Surface waves).
  • Rayleigh waves.

What are the P and S waves?

P-waves, and S-waves, are body waves that travel through the planet. P- waves travel 60% more than S- wave, on average, because the Earth's interior does not react in the same way to them both. P-waves are compression waves which apply a force in direction of propagation.