Asked by: Boleslao Tsekhmistrenko
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry, books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

What are the harness bells?

What are harness bells? Harness bells refer to the straps that are attached to the horse. To alert his master if he made a mistake, the horse shook them.

Also, what are harness bells? Why does the horse shake his harnessbells?

According to the poet, the horse shakes the harness bells to inquire if there are any mistakes in stopping at the woods in the snowy evening. It is a sign that they were on a regular trip, but they have never stopped at the woods before.

You might also wonder what the main theme is to the poem "Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening". Robert Frosts's "Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening" (1923), which depicts a hauntingly pastoral scene in the barren "woods" on a snowy night, reflects the theme that one should focus on fulfilling his promises and completing his duties without being distracted by the joys of life.

Consequently, why is the horse so sure it is a mistake?

The horse's harness bells shake to trigger this thought. It is as if the horse is asking its owner if there is any mistake. It was actually a deliberate stop by the speaker. This'mistake' was symbolic because it is the mistake of being distracted by the temptations in life.

What is the horse's favorite queer thing?

The speaker stated that the stoppage between the woods, a frozen lake, and a farmhouse is queer. This could be a strange situation for the horse. This is because they stop near a farmhouse, and this is the first time they have stopped in woods.