Asked by: Maisie Ben Salah
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

What are the functions of the medulla longata and the midbrain-pons?

The pons is the upper part. The medulla houses the vasomotor, cardiac, respiratory, vomiting, as well as the cardiac and respiratory centers that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. The mesencephalon (midbrain) is responsible for vision, hearing and motor control. It also regulates temperature regulation, alertness and sleep cycles.

People also ask: What is the purpose of the medulla obslongata or pons?

Your brainstem has another structure, the pons. The pons structure is located in the upper portion of your brainstem. It controls breathing, communication between brain parts, and sensations like hearing, taste, balance, and hearing.

You may also wonder what the difference is between pons & medulla. The pons is located just above the medulla. It is home to nerves that control hearing, balance, movement of facial muscles, chewing, and sideways looking. Just below the spinal cord, is the medulla. It is home to vital neural structures, which are essential for the survival of human life.

What is the role of the brainstem's midbrain?

The mesencephalon is the region of the developing vertebrate's brain known as the midbrain. It is made up of the tectum, and the tegmentum. The motor movements of the eye and auditory and visual processing are all performed by the midbrain.

What is the function of the brainstem?

The brainstem connects the cerebrum and the spinal cord. It includes the midbrain and medulla obslongata. The brainstem allows for transmission of signals between the brainstem and the spinal cord by motor and sensory neurons.