Asked by: Joeann Cecchi
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What are the four intermediates?

There are four intermediate directions: northeast, northwest and southeast. Below is a picture of a compass rose that has the intermediate direction marked. Intermediate Directions To draw a straight line connecting the cities, use your Horizon Ring and your globe.

What are intermediates in a system?

An intermediate is a species that appears in the reaction mechanism but not in overall balance equation. An intermediate is a species that is formed in an initial step of the mechanism and then consumed in a subsequent step.

Are intermediates stable, in addition to the above? A intermediate is a short-lived, unstable molecule that forms in between the reactions when reactants become products. They can be highly stable molecules or unstable molecules.

Similar questions are asked about intermediate compounds.

Intermediate compounds. Intermediate compounds are molecular entities that are formed from reactants or preceding intermediates and then react further to produce the directly observed products.

What does it mean to be a catalyst?

An catalyst speeds up a chemical process but is not consumed in the reaction. Therefore, a catalyst may be chemically unaltered at the end the chemical reaction it was used to catalyze or speed up.