Asked by: Subhadra Steinbauer
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

What are the chemical and physical properties of elements in Group 1?

All elements in the group 1 are soft, reactive metals that have low melting points. They react with water to create an alkaline solution of metal hydroxide and hydrogen. The group's reactivity decreases.

You may also wonder, "What chemical properties are alkali metals?"

Alkali metals, a group of chemical element from the s block of the periodic table, have similar properties. They appear silvery and can easily be cut with a knife. Alkali metals react well at normal temperature and pressure. They can easily lose their outermost electron to make cations with charge +1.

What are the chemical and physical properties of Group 7 elements? The Halogens - Trends in Physical Properties

  • Group seven, also known as the halogens, is now complete.
  • The order of the groups is: fluorine (chlorine), bromine (iodine), and astatine.
  • The halogens get darker as you go down the group.
  • Five electrons are found in each element's outer p shell.

What are the chemical and physical properties of Group 2 elements, in this way?

Elements Included in this group are the beryllium (magnesium), calcium, strontium (barium), and radium.

Physical properties:

  • Physical nature
  • Radius and Atomic Volume
  • Density:
  • The melting and boiling points:
  • Ionization Energy
  • The Oxidation State
  • Electropositivity:
  • Electronegativity:

Why are elements of Group 1 similar in chemical properties?

Because they are part of the same Group (Group 1), Alkali metals share similar properties. They will have exactly the same number of valency atoms in their outermost shells. Because it's easier for atoms lose their electrons, the reactivity decreases down Group 1.