Asked by: Nisrin Cembranos
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 7th Sep 2024

What are the benefits of cleavers?

Cleavers improves the function and effectiveness of the lymphatic system. It can flush out toxins, reduce congestion, and reduce swelling. This herb's lymph-cleansing effect also enhances the function and effectiveness of the immune system.

What are cleavers useful for?

Cleavers have been used for years as a slimming aid due to its diuretic properties. Cleavers are used worldwide to treat a variety of ailments, including itching and kidney and urinary problems. It's great for skin conditions such as eczema.

Find out what Cleavers Tincture is for. Cleavers. Our Cleavers Tincture will help to support your lymphatic system. Cleavers, a classic herbal remedy that can also help with skin conditions, is an alterative herb. Cleavers Tincture can be used to reduce your lymphatic swelling, or to relieve painful urination due to urinary tract infections.

How do you make cleavers' tea?

Cleavers Hot Tea Infusion

  1. Infuse the finely chopped herb in a cup with boiling water. Cover it and let infuse for 15 min.
  2. Strain, sweeten as you like, and enjoy!

Can you eat cleavers

Cleavers make a great addition to spring meals. They can be cooked with other greens such as spinach, kale or collards, or eaten raw to add to salads.