Asked by: Dailo Klokemann
Asked in category: medical health, sexual conditions
Last Updated: 7th Sep 2024

What are STI and RTI?

Reproductive tract infections (STI/RTI), and sexually transmitted infections (STI) are important. India is facing a serious public health problem. According to the 2002 ICMR community-based prevalence study on STI/RTI, 5% to 6% are affected by some type of STI/RTI.

Another question is: What is the difference between STI (Research and Technology Initiative)?

STI can be caused by bacteria, viruses or protozoa, which are transmitted from one person to the other through sexual contact. RTI can also be transmitted sexually, but it can also be caused by disruptions in the normal endogenous flora or medical interventions that could cause iatrogenic infections.

Who are the Sexually Transmitted Infections? STIs have a significant impact on sexual and reproductive health around the world. Every day, more than 1 million STIs become available. WHO estimates that 376 million people were infected with one of the four STIs in 2016, chlamydia (127million), gonorrhoea (887 million), and trichomoniasis (156,000).

What does STI stand for?

Sexually Transmitted Infection

What are the symptoms of a reproductive tract infection?

Reproductive tract infections can be infections of the genital system. Both men and women can get them. RTIs such as syphilis or gonorrhoea can be sexually transmitted. However, many others are not. RTI can be caused by an overgrowth of microorganisms that are normally found in the vagina.