Asked by: Everton Kowaleńc
Asked in category: medical health, first aid, medical health, first aid
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What are some examples of sudden illness?

Sudden Illness. The general care for sudden illness is very similar. Only in very rare situations, such as a seizure or vomiting, poisoning, or a diabetic emergency, will you need to do more.

You may then wonder if it is important to know the exact cause for a sudden illness.

To provide proper care, you don't need to know the exact cause for sudden illness. Only in very rare cases, such as a seizure, vomiting or poisoning, will you need to know the exact cause of the illness.

What are some common signs that a sudden illness change in? A. These are common signs of sudden illness. Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, confused, or weak. b. Look pale, ashen, or flushed.

People often ask what is a common sign for sudden illness quizlet.

Person feels dizzy, confused, or weak. Skin changes include sweating, breathing changes and nausea. Care for a sudden illness: What are the steps?

A sudden illness is when there is an abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

A seizure refers to a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance of the brain. It can lead to changes in your behavior, feelings, and levels of consciousness. Epilepsy is characterized by two or more seizures, or a tendency to have repeated seizures. There are many types and severity levels of seizures.