Asked by: Ager Ranjini
Asked in category: automotive, auto insurance
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What age do you need to be in order to receive drivers education in Virginia?

Virginia drivers education is required for all. You must complete approved drivers education if you are between the ages 15 A 1/2-18 and plan to get a Virginia learners license.

Many people also wonder if they have to drive if they are 18 in Virginia.

You must take a state-approved driver's education course if you are younger than 18. You have completed an approved driver education program or you have had a learner’s permit for at least 60 days prior to taking the DMV road skills exam.

Are you 18 years old and can you still drive? You can practice with anyone 18 or older who has a California driver's license and is at least 18 years of age. If you are ready to pass the driving test, you can go back to the DMV.

You might also ask, "Do you have to drive in Virginia?"

Requirements. Requirements. You must have a Virginia driver's license for at least 60 consecutive days.

How can you get your Virginia 18-year-old license?

You must show proof that you have successfully completed a state-approved driver education course before you can obtain a driver's licence. Part of your driver's license application is the driver education certificate of completion.