Asked by: Belarmina Etxebarria
Asked in category: science, environment, science, environment
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Were mammoths around at the time of the pyramids?

In fact, woolly mammoths were still around when the Ancient Egyptians were busy building their Great Pyramids. Saint Paul Island, Alaska, was home to woolly mammoths until 5600 years ago. Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean was home to the last known human population. It was there until approximately 2000 BC, or 4000 years ago.

So, mammoths built pyramids.

The majority of mammoth populations had disappeared by 10,000 years ago, although a small number of 500-1000 woolly mammals remained on Wrangel Island in Alaska until 1650 BC. This occurred approximately 1000 years after Giza's pyramids were built.

You might also wonder, "When were woolly mammoths first around?" The mammoth was called aZhenya. Although most of the woolly Mammoth population died around 10,000 years ago, there was a small population of 500-1000 Woolly Mammoths who lived on Wrangel Island from 1650 BC. This was only 4,000 years ago!

Did the Egyptians also use mammoths, or was that a coincidence?

Although no one has ever seen a living dinosaur, the woolly mammoths did roam the Earth while the Egyptian pharaohs were busy building pyramids at Giza and for some time afterwards.

When was the last mammoth sight?

The end of the last Ice Age, approximately 10,500 years ago, saw the death of the vast majority of woolly mammals. However, due to rising sea levels, a large population of woolly mammals became trapped on Wrangel Island. They remained there until their death about 3,700 years later.