Asked by: Anxos Saidullah
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

The Calvin cycle includes carbon dioxide into organic molecules.

The enzyme rubisco attaches carbon dioxide to RuBP during the carbon fixation stage. The resulting 6-carbon product quickly splits into two molecules of a three-carbon compound (3-phosphoglycerate). Six molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate can be produced when three carbon dioxide molecules enter a cycle.

Keep this in mind, what happens to carbon dioxide molecules during the Calvin cycle?

The Calvin cycle's reactions add carbon (from carbon dioxide found in the atmosphere) and create RuBP, a simple five-carbon molecular. These reactions make use of chemical energy that was produced during the light reactions, such as NADPH or ATP. The Calvin cycle ends with glucose.

What phase of the Calvin Cycle are carbon atoms derived from carbon dioxide first incorporated into an organic compound? There are three phases to the Calvin cycle. stage 1: The enzyme RuBisCO converts carbon dioxide to an organic molecule. This is called 3-PGA. stage 2 is where organic molecular is reduced by electrons supplied to it by NADPH. Stage 3: RuBP is the molecule that initiates the cycle. It is regenerated so the cycle can continue.

Keep this in mind, how is carbon from co2 incorporated into organic molecules?

Carbon dioxideainorganic carbonacan also be incorporated into organic molecules. This process is known as carbon fixation. The carbon found in organic molecules is also called fixed carbon.

What role does RuBP play in the Calvin cycle?

Three molecules of CO2 are combined with three molecules ribulose bisphosphate (3RuBP) to create the animation of the Calvin Cycle. This 5-carbon sugar is already present in the Stroma. The primary function of the light reactions are to replenish the stroma with the ATP or NADPH needed for the Calvin cycle.