Asked by: Charise Vonderbeck
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Should you rake your lawn?

Spring raking removes any lingering leaves or grass blades that haven't survived winter. These dead blades can add to the lawn's itch layer if left alone. Raking also removes snow mold clumps from grass, which can smother new development. To remove dead grass, use a spring-tine or spring-tine rake that has a strong upward pull.

Is it a good idea to rake your lawn?

Regular raking will keep your lawn free of rotting leaves that can sometimes cause death to grass plants. Raking will also help to remove any thatch. Raking is good for your grass. However, other methods such as scarifying and brushing may be more effective. Do not rake too vigorously.

Is it better to rake or leave the leaves? You can leave the leaves. Instead of raking the leaves wait until they are good and crunchy (ripe to jump into), then cut the leaves in small pieces. You can just let them . The leaves can be used as mulch to protect the soil around your trees and shrubs or garden.

Keep this in mind when should you rake your lawn.

It is best to leave the grass to dry out, warm up and begin to wake up from dormancy before raking them. Wait until all the snow melts, the ground has thawed and your grass starts to become green before you begin to rake in spring.

Is it okay to leave leaves on the lawn in winter?

It's about lawn health, not just tidiness. If leaves are left on the lawn over the winter, they will cover it with a thick layer unshredded leaves. If the leaves are not shredded, they can prevent new grass blades from coming up next spring.