Asked by: Jianhai Dong
Asked in category: medical health, birth control
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Should condoms be distributed by schools?

Free Condoms Not to be Distributed at High Schools
Schools requiring teens to use condoms encourages parents and teens to have sex conversations that may seem premature. It can also affect a family's religious or values beliefs.

So, condoms should be distributed in schools?

June 4, 2001 -- High school students who have sex should have condoms available. This is according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. According to pediatricians, condoms do not increase sexual activity. However, they can reduce unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases like HIV.

Access to condoms can also prevent teenage pregnancy. Research shows that teens who have sex are more likely to be given condoms than those who do not. One way to reduce the number of STDs and pregnancy rates among California's sexually active youth is to increase access to condoms via CAP.

Likewise, people ask, do public schools provide condoms?

Condoms are often made available by more than one source in schools. Only 7% of schools make condoms available to teachers, counselors, or principals. In 13% of schools, only school nurses are the only source. Finally, condoms are not made available in less than 1% schools through vending machines.

Condoms are a good choice as a youth option.

Condoms can be very effective in preventing the most serious sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDS. To protect their health, and their lives, it is essential that young people who are sexually active have access to condoms.