Asked by: Txomin Ketteler
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

Shakespeare's words about happiness

Shakespeare wrote: "I always feel happy. You know why?" Because I don’t expect anything from anyone. Expectations are always disappointing. Life.

So, here are three famous Shakespeare quotes.

50 of Shakespeare's Most Famous Quotations

  1. 1. ' 'To be or not to be: That is the question.
  2. 2. ' 2.
  3. 3. ' Romeo, Romeo!
  4. 4. ' 4. 'Now is the winter of discontent.
  5. 5. ' 5. 'Is this a dagger that I see before my eyes, the handle towards my hand?
  6. 6. '
  7. 7. '
  8. 8. '

What did Shakespeare say about life? The is nothing but a shadow.

What is Shakespeare's most famous quote?

Here are ten of the most famous quotations by the poet:

  • "
  • AThis is more important than all: To your own truth.
  • ACowards often die before their deaths, but the valiant never feel death except once.
  • AMen are masters of their fates at times:
  • "
  • Good night, good night!
  • "All the world's a platform,

What is Shakespeare's most meaningful quote?

While a fool believes that he is wise, a wise man recognizes that he is a fool. Love is not about the eyes but the mind. Therefore, winged Cupid is blind. Some people are born great, others achieve greatness, while some have greatness thrust upon their faces.