Asked by: Moreno Chapi
Asked in category: business and finance, debt factoring and invoice discounting
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Quizlet: What is cash equivalents?

Short-term, liquid investments that can be converted into cash when they reach maturity. They are therefore insignificantly at risk of losing value due to changes in interest rates

Eventually, you might also wonder, "What are cash equivalents?"

Cash can be legal tender, bills and coins, as well as checks received and not deposited and checking and savings accounts. Short-term investment securities with maturity periods less than 90 days are cash equivalents. Accounts receivable.

Also, find out how cash equivalents are reported in financial statements. A. These are included with Cash under Current Assets on The Balance Sheet. They are included with short-term investments under Current Assets on The Balance Sheet.

What are some examples of cash equivalents to the above?

Examples of cash equivalents are:

  • Treasury Bills
  • Government bonds for short-term.
  • Marketable Securities
  • Commercial Paper
  • Money Market Funds

Are short-term highly liquid investments assets?

Marketable securities and liquid assets that can be used as a temporary storage place for excess cash are short-term investments. A company may also have short-term investments if it has holdings that they plan to sell in the next year, or if it is owed, mature within the year.