Asked by: Tajinder Iannuzzi
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

My dryer is not producing heat.

An electric clothes dryer that does not produce heat is usually an indication that the circuit fuse or circuit breaker that controls the power has blown. Reset it or replace it. A dryer might have two breakers and fuses. While the motor can run when only one of these works, the heating element will require both.

What causes dryers to not heat?

A faulty thermal fuse could also be responsible for dryers not heating up. The dryer's heating fuse will no longer work. You will need to replace the dryer's fuse if it has blown. Locate the thermal fuse in your dryer's cabinet to test it.

A clogged dryer vent can cause no heat. Clogged dryer vents are one of the main reasons dyers don't heat properly. Over time, lint can build up and block the airflow. This can cause dryer fires and prevent dryers from heating. If your dryer isn't heating, the first thing you should check is the dryer vent.

This is why the dryer blows cold air.

The cycling thermostat controls the heating element's on/off. The dryer blows cold water if the cycling thermostat is not in use. The high-limit thermostat may be a thermal fuse. If this thermal fuse is open, the dryer will blow cold air.

How can I tell if my dryer vent has become clogged?

These simple guidelines will help you determine if your dryer vent has become clogged.

  1. Excessive dry times. You should inspect your dryer vents if you are having to run another or third cycle in order to dry clothes.
  2. Hot exterior.
  3. Burning smell
  4. Outside the vent opening, lint and debris.