Asked by: Nassar Meeuwessen
Asked in category: sports, canoeing and kayaking
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Is there a toy shop in Home Alone?

Duncan's Toy Chest is inspired by a real New York store. The FAO Schwarz toys store was located near The Plaza on Fifth Avenue. In Manhattan, the toy retailer closed its doors in 2015. However, it reopened in 2018 at 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

What was the name of the Home Alone toy shop?

FAO Schwarz

What store also served Duncan's Toy Chest purpose? Duncan's Toy Chest was based on the FAOSCH toy shop, which is located near The Plaza on Fifth Avenue.

In the same way, one might ask, "Does Duncan's Toy Chest still exist?"

Duncan's Toy Chest is not real and was not filmed in New York. The scenes in the toy shop were actually shot here. The exterior of the store is the Rookery Building, a landmark in Chicago that has been featured in movies like The Untouchables.

Does FAO Schwarz still exist?

After closing its iconic Fifth Avenue flagship store in 2015, FAO Schwarz, a leading toy retailer, is returning to New York City. The brand was owned by Toys R Us at the time. FAO Schwarz has begun expanding internationally.