Asked by: Peregrina Lavid
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

Is there a lot of calcium in broccoli?

A 100g serving of broccoli, which is roughly three large heads, provides 47 mgs of calcium. Broccoli has more calcium than Calcium. Remember, broccoli is also known as the Crown Jewel of Nutrition.

You may also wonder if there is more calcium in broccoli or milk.

These cooked greens have the same amount of calcium as one glass milk in terms of their calcium content. 1/2 cup of them will provide you with as much as one glass of milk. Due to their higher calcium absorption rate (in between 50-60% and 1A 1/2 cups of Kale or 2 cups of Broccoli), a cup of bok choy, one cup of kale and two cups of broccoli will give you the same amount as a glass milk. )

What vegetable is rich in calcium? Some of the most nutritious leafy greens, such as dark, leafy ones, are also high in calcium. This mineral is abundant in collard greens and spinach, as well as kale.

Another question is: How much calcium is in a cup cooked broccoli?


Acorn squash, cooked 1 cup 90
Broccoli cooked 1 cup 180
Okra or Chard, cooked 1 cup 100
Chicory (curly-endive), raw 1 cup 40
Collard greens 1 cup 50

Which has more calcium, spinach or broccoli?

The same holds true for spinach as it does for broccoli: it has more calcium than other vegetables, but not as much as dairy.