Asked by: En Tchekhlakovsky
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Is the color of your shingles a factor?

Your attic's temperature can be affected by the color of your shingles. It can vary from 20 to 40 degrees depending on its color. The light shingles reflect sunlight and keep temperatures down in warmer climates. While the darker shingles absorb heat, they help to warm homes in colder areas. Also, dark shingles help snow and ice melt faster.

What color shingles should you get?

Choose a color that matches the house's color to choose roofing shingles. To create a striking contrast, choose gray or black roofing shingles if your house is yellow, white, gray, or yellow. To complement a yellow brick house, you can use gray, brown, or black shingles.

The next question is: Can asphalt shingles be changed in color? You can change the color of asphalt shingles in a matter of days, without having to replace your roof. The house color can make an older, but still good, roof look shabby. You have the option to change the color of a shingle roof that is in good condition.

This is what you need to know about which color shingles will last the longest.

Although light shingle colors are more effective at lowering attic temperatures than dark shingles, it is not clear if this means that they will last as long as dark shingles.

Are black roofs hotter than white?

3 Answers. Black absorbs more heat, making your attic warmer. Metal roofing, which is lighter in mass than metal roofing, will not retain heat as well and radiate heat into your attic long after the sun has set.