Asked by: Iftikhar Mundaka
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Is the air conditioner blower located?

In many home air conditioning units, the blower fan is found inside a horizontal unit. This is especially true if the air handler is in an attic area or crawl space.

What is an air conditioner blower, anyway?

Air Conditioner Blower. The fan, or air conditioner blower , is a key component of the HVAC2_ system. The blower's function is to move air into the area being conditioned. There are four main types of fans that are used in HVAC equipment.

What is the cost of an air conditioner blower? A replacement HVAC blower motor costs on average $450, but can cost anywhere from $150 up to $2,000 to replace. No matter what type of furnace you have, an HVAC blower motor will push air through your home's ducts.

You might also wonder, "What causes AC blower to stop functioning?"

Air will not move through the system if the fan stops turning. This could be caused by anything, from tripped circuit breaker to a faulty thermostat. It is possible, however, that the blower motor has stopped working. Blower motors typically have a long lifespan.

How can I tell if my AC blower motor has failed?

Signs and symptoms of a bad AC fan motor

  1. Even though the AC is turned on, the fan won't turn on.
  2. Even if you turn off the AC, the fan will not stop.
  3. Although the fan is on, the blades rotate very slowly.
  4. When the fan is on, there's a rattling sound coming from the condenser.