Asked by: Fabien Bonig
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

Is raw honey allowed?

Dangers of Eating Honey
Raw honey may contain Clostridium botulinum spores. Summary Raw honey can be safe but it can pose a danger to infants. It could contain Clostridium botulinum spores, which can be harmful to infants' guts.

Another question that may be asked is, "Is unfiltered honey safe to consume?"

Honey from the beehive can contain bee pollen, honeyswax and some parts of dead bees. Honey producers will often pass raw honey though a filter to remove any impurities, some may remain. It is still safe for you to eat. Pasteurization can adversely impact the amount of nutrients in honey.

What is raw unfiltered honey, exactly? To reverse crystallization, raw honey is minimally heated and then strained to remove any foreign material such as honeycomb, honeywax and larger particles of natural detritus. Raw honey is often called aunfiltered.a This refers to honey that has been minimally heated to reverse crystallization.

This is what you need to know about raw honey.

Honey, in its raw, natural form, is full of toxic chemicals that could kill you. Unpasteurized honey can be fatal. The toxins, known as pyrrolizidine akaloids (PAs), may cause liver damage and could lead to cancer.

What is the maximum time you can eat raw honey for?

Raw honey can be stored for as long as you like. Honey found in Egyptian tombs is edible. For the best flavor, we recommend that you use it within one year. It is so delicious that it doesn't last very long.