Asked by: Lisbet Sergeeva
Asked in category: news and politics, crime
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Is Raskolnikov a hero?

Radio Romanovna Raskolnikov, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment's main character, is a classic example for a tragic hero. As a man with many redeeming traits, his life takes a bad turn when his desire to improve his life leads him to succumb to temptations that will inevitably destroy his life.

Consider this: Who is the hero of crime and punishment?


The question that follows is: What is the point in crime and punishment? Crime and Punishment was his first major novel. Crime and Punishment is about Rodion Raskolnikov's mental anguish and moral dilemmas. He is an ex-student from Saint Petersburg and devises a plan for killing a pawnbroker to get his money.

Who then does Raskolnikov confess?


Who does Raskolnikov kill?
