Asked by: Xulia Siguero
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 7th Sep 2024

Is it too late to plant tomatoes in Louisiana?

Answer: Without a doubt, tomatoes are the most popular vegetable for home gardening. Tomato Transplants should be planted in the early to mid-April of south Louisiana. If you don't choose heat-tolerant cultivars, it is too late for seeds to be planted.

Know when you can plant tomatoes in Louisiana.

Spring tomatoes can be planted as soon as the last frost has passed, usually March 15 in south Louisiana or April 1 in North Louisiana. If heat-set varieties are planted, spring tomatoes can be harvested from June to July.

What can I plant in Louisiana right now? May - Excellent hot-weather veggies that can be planted now are amaranth and cantaloupe.

Also, find out when the best time to plant tomatoes.

Planting tomato plants at night when it is 55 F./10 C will result in them not setting fruit. Therefore, planting tomato plants at night when it is 50 F./10 C will allow them to mature and produce fruit.

Is it too late to plant tomatoes in August?

Answer #2: Answer #2 is's Answer. A* John stated that August is too late for tomatoes to be planted outdoors if you live in Zone 10. This is southern California or Florida. To reach maturity, most varieties of tomatoes take around 100 days to transplant into the ground.