Asked by: Ursicino Fruhschulz
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

Is it possible to use 134a instead of r12

These oils can cause explosions because they are not compatible. R134a also has a smaller molecule that r12, so if there was a small leak with the r12 you may have a bigger leak. R134a is smaller than r12 so it can leak through older hoses that were used for r12.

So, how can you convert r12 into r134a?

Converting an R12 to the R134a system

  1. Take your vehicle to an authorized air-conditioning professional who can dispose of any R12 refrigerant that is still present in the system.
  2. You can open the engine compartment.
  3. To tighten the retrofit R134a high side fitting, use a wrench.

Is there an alternative to r12? R-134a is the best alternative to R12. R134a's chemical name is tetrafluoroethane. Its chemical formula is CF 3CH 2F. It is a hydrofluorocarbon, HFC. It has very low greenhouse effects and no ozone depletion.

You might also wonder how much it costs to convert r12 to R134a.

Re: R12 to R134 AC conversion It is more efficient, doesn't require flushing, and will likely stay there for longer.

What is the cost of 134a in an r12 system

Calculate how much R134a you need. R134a weighs less than R12 so you will need to convert the charge weight during retrofit. To get the best cooling, fill the system with 75-85% of the factory recommended capacity.