Asked by: Ajit Orgiles
Asked in category: home and garden, home improvement
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

Is it possible to mix bleach with soda crystals?

Mixing the two will not cause harm, you won’t get gassed or explode, but it might lower the bleach's killing power by keeping the pH too high. Because bleach contains a little bit of caustic soda, it is much stronger than soda crystals, so mixing them is likely pointless.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "Can I mix bleach with washing soda?"

I don't recommend Oxiclean or washing soda. To answer your question, you can mix household bleach with washing soda. For two difficult dishwashing tasks, I used bleach as well as dishwashing liquid: ziplock freezer bags and 2-liter soda bottle. If you can clean them, both can be very useful.

Second, what cleaner is possible to mix with bleach? Bleach reacts with many things including vinegar, urine and solid chlorine forms. You can add a little bit of plain laundry detergent to bleach once it has been diluted. This is because bleach is chlorine stable.

You might also be interested in mixing bleach with Zoflora.

The potential for poisonous chlorine gas to be released if bleach is mixed with other cleaning products. A Sheffield lady nearly died from bleach mixed with Zoflora, Dettol (a common, highly-fragranced disinfectant) as well as hot water to mop her floors.

What can I do about soda crystals?

Use your soda crystals to:

  1. Washing your clothes in the washing machine.
  2. Prevention of drains becoming blocked
  3. Remove stubborn and burnt food from pots and pans
  4. Enhance your laundry detergent.
  5. Remove stains from clothing
  6. Softening towels
  7. Clean patios and paths.