Asked by: Sherrie Goldarazena
Asked in category: technology and computing, smartphones
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

Is it okay to use your phone while you are using the toilet?

There are many reasons why you shouldn't use your phone while using the toilet. Most people have become accustomed to using their phone while they are on the bathroom. Although it is fun to use your phone while you are using the toilet, it can be a very bad habit that could cause serious health problems.

People also ask why people use their phones to go to the bathroom.

It is not recommended to use a mobile toilet because of bacteria. It is possible to get sick by touching, flushing, and washing the mobile.

Is it also haram to use your smartphone in the bathroom? He said, "If your phone rings or an aayat is heard in the bathroom, it's a sin." A fatwa in Islam is a legal order that is issued by someone with a thorough knowledge of Sharia law. People were also forbidden from using their phones as a prayer tool by the panel.

You might also ask: What percentage of people use their phone to go to the bathroom?

According to many anonymous surveys, the majority of people use their smartphones while they are on the toilet. This little habit can be found in anywhere from 38 to 75 percent, depending on the survey.

Are you a bad person for reading on the toilet?

Columbia University Medical Center professor says that reading in the bathroom could lead to the spread of diseases if bacteria is caught on the material. However, this is not a major health concern so long as the environment is clean.