Asked by: Alisha Aschmetkat
Asked in category: medical health, surgery
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Is it normal to have a hard area around an incision?

It is normal for an incision to heal to cause redness, swelling and itching. The skin around the incision may feel hard and thick at first.

Is it normal for incisions to feel warm?

Hot Skin Near Wound Although it is normal for the skin around a wound to feel warmer, if the skin around an incision feels extremely warm and doesn't cool down, this could indicate that the body has launched an anti-infection campaign.

How can I tell if my incisions are healing? Pus, redness and worsening pain. Tenderness, warmth and swelling around your wound.

How long does it take for a surgical scar to heal?

6-8 weeks

What's the lump under my incision and how can I fix it?

Seroma refers to a sterile accumulation of fluid under the skin. It is usually found at the surgical site. It can form quickly after surgery. It may develop within a few weeks of your surgery. It can look like a lump or feel tender.