Asked by: Cheree Ulmet
Asked in category: food and drink, vegetarian diets
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

Is it legal for fruit to be hung over a fence?

Young stated that there is no law regarding who owns fruit hanging in public spaces. However, there is a common law concerning neighbors. "If fruit hangs from a neighbor's tree into you yard, that fruit is technically yours. You can also cut those branches.

Keep this in mind, is it legal in California to pick fruit from a fence?

California has a problem with fruit trees that are laden with bounty. Californians must be aware of the proper etiquette for picking fruit under which circumstances. Diserens stated that the law allows people to pick fruit from trees hanging over their property or in public spaces like sidewalks.

You cannot also eat fruit that has fallen to the ground. You should avoid eating cooked food, even if it is fruit. There is no single way to follow the fruit diet. Some fruitarians only eat fruit that has fallen onto ground . They don't eat fruits that are picked. Some people won't eat seeds because they have the potential to grow into living plants.

Who also owns fruit hanging above a fence?

No. No.

Can I pick fruits from street trees?

However, this doesn't mean you can't pick fruit from a tree. You may be allowed to trim branches and limbs that cross your property line. However, picking fruit could be an entirely different matter.