Asked by: Kaitlyn Hubsch
Asked in category: technology and computing, social networking
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is it a lot to have so many followers on Twitter?

Followers. Only 0.06% have more followers than 20,000, and only 2.12% have more 1000 followers. 95.9% of Twitter users have less than 500 followers. The number of users with less than five followers dropped from 46% to 32% to 32%. Users with more than 100 followers increased to 16% from 7%.

What number of followers does an average person have on Twitter?

707 is the average amount of followers. 391 million accounts don't have any followers.

Is 5000 followers on twitter a lot? Limit of 5,000 friends. This means that if you have less 5,000 Twitter followers, you cannot follow 5,000 accounts. The 10% limit is a . You can follow up to 5,000 people, but you will be restricted to 10% of the total number of people you follow.

In reverse order, how many Twitter followers are you required to make money?

A list of ads is available that you can choose from. This list is updated frequently. To sign up for this service, you must have at most 50 followers and 100 tweets.

Who has the most Twitter followers?

Most popular Twitter accounts

  1. Barack Obama a 113 million followers.
  2. Justin Bieber has 109 million fans
  3. Katy Perry has 108 million fans.
  4. Rihanna has 96 million fans.
  5. Taylor Swift has 86 million fans.
  6. Cristiano Ronaldo a 83 million followers.
  7. Lady Gaga a 81 million followers.
  8. Ellen DeGeneres has 79 million followers