Asked by: Eldora Larrola
Asked in category: healthy living, mens health
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Is Chode a swear-word?

It is not a negative word. It is a term that refers to the width of the male penis. It's very large/more fat-like. It is also known as penis and adick.

What is considered a Chode, simply put?

Chode is the slang term for a penis that is longer than it is wide. It could also be used to refer to the perianum. It is used mainly for humor and mild insults.

Also, find out how short a Chode is. The average length is 5 inches. According to most studies, it can vary due to bias and geographical location. These numbers are a measure of thickness, not length.

Similar to the Chode, what size is considered a Chode.

The second definition, which I believe to be more accurate, refers to a penis with a larger diameter than its length. This would mean, for instance, a penis measuring 6 inches in length and 7 inches in diameter.

What is the opposite to Chode?

chodes can be used to refer to chode.