Asked by: Vladislava Michlmayer
Asked in category: style and fashion, skin care, style and fashion, skin care
Last Updated: 13th May 2024

Is bactine good for open wounds?

Bactine can protect you and your family against minor skin infections. It temporarily relieves minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.

Also, can you apply Bactine to an open wound?

Apply this medicine only to areas with swelling or deep puncture wounds. Do NOT cover treated skin unless your doctor has instructed to. Bactine can be applied using your finger tips or a cotton-swab. Keep both unused and used Bactine skin patches away from children and pets.

Is bactine effective in treating infection? Details. Bactine Skin Relieving Cleansing spray relieves minor cuts, scrapes, and burns by reducing pain and itching. It also helps to prevent skin infection through the effective killing of germs. It does not sting, unlike hydrogen peroxide.

People also ask if bactine is an effective antiseptic.

Bactine. Bactine, a first-aid treatment for infections, is distributed by Wellspring Pharmaceutical Corporation. Bactine, an antiseptic, can help prevent infections. Bactine's topical anesthetic, Bactine, temporarily relieves pain and itching.

How often can you use Bactine

Use the medication as prescribed by your doctor. Apply to the skin before you start . Apply a thin layer to the affected skin area, usually 2 to 3 times per day or as directed.